14 Jul What can Alicia Sisk-Morris, CPA do for you
Being a CPA in the Asheville area, it is important to me to keep up with the latest tax rulings and accounting updates. Especially when those rulings have the ability to affect my clients whether they are individuals or small businesses. Today I read...
Social Media was once the playground of those cutting-edge small businesses who are considered high-tech early adopters. Today social media is as important as traditional mainstream media. As a small business owner and CPA based out of Weaverville, NC it is important for me to...
Mark your calendar for the 2nd Annual Mompreneur Gathering: A revelry on Motherhood, Business & Self-Care Held on Friday, September 4th 2015 10am to 3pm Registration and Coffee from 9:30 am to 10 am Workshops, Keynotes and Conversations from 10 am to 2 pm Optional Networking Reception from 2 pm to 3 pmAt the...
As a female Certified Public Accountant located in Weaverville, NC, situated in the greater Asheville, NC market, it is very common for me to interface with start-up companies. These firms range from solo-entrepreneurs to small and medium sized firms with multiple employes. Regardless of which...
At some point in every entrepreneur's life, they have dreamed of starting their own business. When that newly minted entrepreneur steps away from corporate employment and into the wild west of self-employment, they take on the full responsibility of their financial destiny. Gone are the...
As a CPA and small business owner in Asheville, NC I enjoy attending business conferences. I love to learn from and to be inspired by fellow business people. I am looking forward to attending this years First Annual Western Women's Business Conference. It will be...
Join me at the Women's Business Center of Western North Carolina monthly net working and educational event. I will be sharing the importance of cash flow process and systems within your small business. The class is sponsored by The Support Center and Lenoir-Rhyne University of...
As a female Certified Public Accountant located in Weaverville, NC, situated in the greater Asheville, NC market, it is very common for me to interface with start-up companies. During this blog, I focus on the types of harvesting methods that are used to extract money...
As a female Certified Public Accountant located in Weaverville, NC, situated in the greater Asheville, NC market, it is very common for me to interface with start-up companies. During this blog, I focus on the types of start-up organizations that Angel Investors / Venture Capitalists...